Framework uses winston logger as a main subsystem to logging
You can adjust different transports (console and sentry available by default) and add you own transport with own parameters
Frameworks provides basic initialization of Winston so you can easily use it from out of the box, but you still have ability to adjust it as you want
Logging levels
RFC5424 defines a logger level. More higher levels will include messages from the lower level. In other word if you set ‘warn’ level then logger will report ‘error’ as well, but will not report debug level
You can read more about levels on winston levels documentation
But in short that default levels
error: 0,
warn: 1,
info: 2,
http: 3,
verbose: 4,
debug: 5,
silly: 6
Each class have access to logger instance via
this.logger.error('error message');
this.logger.warn('warn message');
this.logger.info('info message');
this.logger.http('http message');
this.logger.verbose('verbose message');
this.logger.debug('debug message');
this.logger.silly('silly message');
Please note that this.logger is an instance of winston.logger and you can use any methods from it
Default transports
By default the framework provides two transports: console and sentry (via (winston-transport-sentry-node)[https://github.com/aandrewww/winston-transport-sentry-node]).
We try to keep configuration simple and powerful - you able to enable/disable loggers and adding own with pass all available options to transport
Configuration files located on ‘config/log.js’
export default {
transports: [
transport: 'winston-transport-sentry-node', // transport name (npm package name)
transportOptions: { // options that will pass info transport instance
sentry: {
dsn: process.env.LOGGER_SENTRY_DSN,
level: process.env.LOGGER_SENTRY_LEVEL || 'info',
enable: process.env.LOGGER_SENTRY_ENABLE || false, // is transport enabled on not
// ....
/// more transports
Config contains a “transports” array. Each transport can be included in the logger.
Transport name it’s a npm package name that framework will be required. You can use any transport from NPM
Field transportOptions it’s transport options - you can pass any options here for transport. Please refer to transport documentation
And finally field enable will enable/disable modules for logger. You can check “NODE_ENV” on config documentation to least more how you can use it depend on you environment
Add own transport
Adding own transport is simple process.
Then add it into ‘config/log.js’ config file
export default {
transports: [
// .....
// some already existed transports
// ....
transportOptions: { // options that will pass info transport instance
// .... you transport options
enable: true
Feel free to use environment variables on your transport config as well. That simplify working with multiple environments
Console output for logger
Console loggers act in a customized way to provide more verbose info. Default console output constructed as
(${process.pid}) ${info.label} ${info.timestamp} ${info.level} : ${info.message}
Where “process.pid” - pid of node process. Useful in cluster environment “info.label” - label of place. More info below “info.timestamp” - date of event “info.level” - log level (“error”,”warn”, etc) “Info.message” - message that passed to logger (eg: this.logger.info(“this is a message”));
Inside the base class we have a method “loggerGroup”that is used as a first part of info message generation. This useful to group messages like “controllers”,”models”, etc
Framework uses: “command”, “connector”, “controller”, “model” and “CLI_” groups.
Feel free to introduce your own groups
Second part is generated by the base class function “getConstructorName” that by default grabs the constructor name and adds it to the info string. You can overwrite this method for you classes
(15950) [modelCoin] 2021-10-18T11:17:54.746Z verbose : Model have no hooks
(15950) - process pid
[modelCoin] - info message ("model" - group. "Coin" model name)
2021-10-18T11:17:54.746Z - time
verbose - level
Model have no hooks - message
Environment variables
Sentry transport
LOGGER_SENTRY_LEVEL logs level that shouls go into sentry. Default 'info'
LOGGER_SENTRY_ENABLE enable or not sentry logger. Default 'false'
Console transport
LOGGER_CONSOLE_LEVEL logs level. Default 'silly' (include all)
LOGGER_CONSOLE_ENABLE enable or not console logger. Default 'true'