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CLI (command line interface) part of framework system that allow you to use all power of framework on command line - manipulate with data, import, export, etc

Framework scans directory for list of common ds and provide you ability to see what's command available to run


CLI commands part of framework inheritance process .

Run command

You are able to create a group of commands by putting files in the directory. You can see ‘migration’ as an example of grouping commands

# on project level
node src/cli {command}

Commands path work the same way as on controllers. Any file will be parsed as commands, folders will group commands together. But unlike of controllers level you not able to change that behaviour

You are able to create a group of commands by putting files in the directory. You can see ‘migration’ as an example of grouping commands

commands / migration / create.js; // migration/create command ,
commands / migration / migrate.js; //migration/migrate command


You able to run command from any place of framework string, args: {}): Promise;

Where commandName - name of command that you want to start args - athyments that you want to pass to command

Creating own command

All passed arguments on command line parsed with help with minimist library

import AbstractCommand from "../modules/AbstractCommand.js";

class CommandName extends AbstractCommand {
async run() {
this.args; // passed arguments

static get description() {
// text decrtiption of what command do
return "Command description";

* After parsing it goes to this.args
* @returns {import("@adaptivestone/framework/types/ICommandArguments.js").ICommandArguments}
static get commandArguments() {
return {
someParameter: {
type: "string", // 'boolean' as well
description: "Some paramater description", // optional
default: "some nice string", // optional
required: true, // optional. Default is false
someParameter2: {
type: "boolean"


static isShouldInitModels = true; // default value. Can be ommited

static getMongoConnectionName(commandName, commandArguments) {
// return name of connection that you want to use
return `CLI: ${commandName} ${JSON.stringify(args)}`;

export default CommandName;

Framework commands

Framework came with few build in commands


Migration commands allow you to create migration of some data to another, or fill database with some data

Key point here - migration executed only one per file


You can use migration with different cases, not only to modify data on database

Creating migration

Migration command came with a template to generate migration.

node src/cli migration/create  --name={someName}

After creating migration please edit it and implement any logic that you want here

Apply migration

node src/cli migration/migrate

Migration executed on created order. It executed only once per life


Sometimes very useful to drop indexes on already created models. For example you create a unique index for non required fields and miss that no value also should be unique per collection.

Framework will take care of creating indexes based on your model on next start, so you can drop index and can make sure that it will be recreated after

Run dropindex

node src/cli dropindex --model={modelName}


Synchronize indexes defined in models with a real one indexed on the database. Command will remove all indexes from the database that do not exist on model OR have different parameters. Then it will create a new indexes


This can be a dangerous command in case you have some unique indexes feature

Run SyncIndexes

node src/cli SyncIndexes

OpenApi documentation

Framework can generate documentation in OpenApi (swagger) format. That pretty standard format to exchange documentation. Framework only generates JSON file and not provide any viewer like online version or provide self hosted version


Thats a good idea to set up documentation on CI level for stage env and put the json file to the public directory. Then you can use online viewers to check documentation

Run OpenApi

node src/cli getopenapijson --output={PATH}

Output is an optional.

Usage example:

node src/cli getopenapijson --output='src/public/openApi.json'


Create user command creates a new user

Run CreateUser

node src/cli createuser  --password=somePassword --roles=user,admin,someOtherRoles

Only email and password are required

You able to update user as well. You need to specify email or user id to find the user and '--update' flag to allow user updates.

Generate random bytes

In sme cases you need to a random bytes string. This command help you to generate random bytes string

Run Generate random bytes

node src/cli generateRandomBytes


npm run cli generateRandomBytes