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Welcome to AdaptiveStone framework documentation. We hope that documentation is clean and short. Please feel free to edit it via git merge request and contact us


You must be wondering - why another framework as currently we have a lot of them. But each of them is different.

Adaptive stone framework born near 2016 and growing since.

There are few requirements that no one exiting framework cannot provide us for SAAS at that time - working with multiple databases, scale from out of the box, modern approach.

That why Adaptive Stone framework was born


  • Automatic inited controllers (no config needed)
  • Mongoose ES6 models
  • Winston logger (sentry logger as a part of winston logger)
  • Node cluster enabled by default (possibility to use with no cluster (dev mode))
  • Docker development environment (and production too)
  • Integrated eslint and prettier for code style
  • Cache system
  • Ability to overwrite any controller, model and config that came with framework
  • Multi Language support out of the box
  • ESM and CommonJS compatability

Folder structure

├─ commands/ //contains command folder (CLI)
├─ config/ //constains config files
├─ controllers/ //contains controller files
│ ├─ {controller_group_folder}/ //can contain folder (will be added to route)
├─ locales/ // i18n folder with translations
│ ├─ {locale_1}/ // locale name (en,fr, etc)
│ │ ├─ translation.json // translation json file
│ ├─ {locale_2}/
│ │ ├─ translation.json
├─ migrations/ // folder where migration files stored
├─ models/ // contains model files
├─ modules/ // main folder with abstract stuff
├─ public/ // public stuff (server statically)
├─ services/ // some services (email, http, etc)
├─ tests/ // folder contains basic tests
├─ views/ // frawemork able to respond with view (not only API). Here view files stored
├─ Cli.js // main CLI class
├─ cliCommands.js // CLI implementation
├─ cluster.js // entry point for production for the cluster module
├─ folderConfig.js // folder configuration
├─ server.js // main entry point to framework

Framework strusture


Getting Started

Get started by creating a new project.

Sempliest way to create a new project - clone template and customize it :

git clone adaptivestone-example-rename-me

Start your project

You should have docker and docker compose installed

Run the development server:

cd adaptivestone-example-rename-me
docker compose up

Your site starts at http://localhost:3300.

Open src/controllers/Person.js and edit some lines: the site reloads automatically and apply your changes.